Sunday, September 21, 2008

Broken Pens

First, I think that title needs to be the title of an album or a band name. But getting to what this post is really about...

I am not sure why I do this, but I am getting better I promise. I grab a pen from the pen drawer or wherever they are found and the first one doesn't work. But do I think this pen doesn't work I should throw it away? No I put it back. Why do I do this? It drives me crazy. What is worse there are pens that I know don't work. I look in the drawer and think "no, not that one it doesn't work." Shuffling through the pens until I find a pen that I am not sure about, I grab it and hope it works. Eventually I find one, wouldn't it be better to just have one pen that works than 20 or so that sort of work and one that does?

Does anyone else do this?


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I do that too. I don't know why but it is so hard to throw out pens, even though they are cheap and going out and buying a pack of new pens would be no big deal.

Brittney Harmon said...

danny just cleaned out our pen drawer (maybe he read your post and was inspired... thanks). We actually have like 15 that work, but would never have known had he not taken the time to through out all the other ones (yeah we have a lot of pens... where do they come from?).

Corrigan Vaughan said...

I totally do that. It drives me freakin' batty.